ihp- innovations for high performance microelectronics / leibniz-institut fuer innovative mikroelektronik |
Ihp- Innovations For High Performance Microelectronics / Leibniz-Institut Fuer Innovative Mikroelektronik has 427 patents for the period 2009 - 2023. There are 142 patent families with 137 granted patents and 290 applications patents. The key filing countries are RoW: 139 | EP: 127 | US: 93 | WO: 56 | CN: 7 | KR: 4 | JP: 1. |
ihp gmbh-innovations for high performance microelectronics / leibniz-institut fur innovative mikroelektronik |
Ihp Gmbh-Innovations For High Performance Microelectronics / Leibniz-Institut Fur Innovative Mikroelektronik has 335 patents for the period 2009 - 2023. There are 78 patent families with 120 granted patents and 215 applications patents. The key filing countries are EP: 121 | US: 91 | RoW: 66 | WO: 40 | KR: 8 | CN: 7 | JP: 2. |